
Turning Waste into Energy: ICON's Sustainable Initiative

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At ICON Digital Productions Inc., we are proud to share our commitment to environmental sustainability. Our mission is simple but impactful: reduce waste going to landfills and harness it to create clean energy.

The Path to Sustainability

In 2022 and 2023, we took significant steps in our environmental efforts, as demonstrated in our recent environmental report. We diverted thousands of pounds of non-hazardous industrial waste from traditional disposal methods and chose a more sustainable path: Energy From Waste (EFW).

A Sustainable Choice

Our waste, consisting of non-hazardous PVC laminated products and magnetic posters with ferrous backings, became a valuable resource for energy generation. This transformation not only helps to minimize our environmental footprint but also contributes to a greener, more sustainable future.

The Power of Energy From Waste

Energy From Waste (EFW) technology allows us to convert waste materials into electricity and steam, providing a reliable and clean energy source. This energy can be used to power homes, businesses, and industrial processes, reducing the need for fossil fuels and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Through this avenue ICON has…

Avoided 8 Tons of CO2 Equivalent Greenhouse Gases:

By choosing eco-friendly disposal methods like Energy From Waste (EFW), we have prevented the release of 8 tons of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases. To put this into perspective, that's equivalent to taking approximately 165 passenger cars off the road for an entire year or the emissions from 100 dump trucks loaded with coal. This not only contributes to cleaner air but also to a healthier planet

Generated 4620 kWh of Renewable Energy:

Our waste-to-energy initiatives have produced a remarkable 4620 kilowatt-hours of renewable energy. To put this in perspective, that's enough to power five homes for an entire month. This demonstrates the potential of sustainable energy sources in reducing our reliance on conventional power grids and fossil fuels.

Reduced the Need for 2 Tons of Coal or 353 Gallons of Fuel Oil:

Our commitment to sustainable practices has not only saved energy but also directly reduced the demand for non-renewable resources. The energy generated is equivalent to reducing the need for 2 tons of coal, which is approximately the amount of coal required to power a small residential neighborhood for a month, or 353 gallons of fuel oil, which is akin to the fuel consumption of a fuel-efficient car driving over 2,000 miles. This aligns with our vision for a greener, more energy-efficient world.

Recycled 420 Pounds of Metal:

In our endeavor to minimize waste and landfill usage, we have contributed to recycling 420 pounds of metal that would have otherwise gone to waste. To give you a sense of this achievement, that's comparable to saving the metal content of approximately 50,000 aluminum cans. This small act is part of our larger commitment to circular economy principles.

What's Next?

Our commitment to sustainability doesn't stop here. We are continuously exploring ways to make our processes more eco-friendly and promote a circular economy. We aim to inspire others to join us on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable world

#Sustainability #WasteToEnergy #EnvironmentalInitiatives #GreenTechnology

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